Fiber Corner
Here it is, the real fiber corner. Still looks a little messy and disorganized but, oh so much better, than it used to look. No, that is not the extent of the stash, there are more than several big Rubbermaid bins of fiber and yarn stashed away in the back bedroom. Only the pretty stuff was left out to cheer away the dark days of winter. There's another bank of wire cubicles to the right of the computer holding mostly fiber, handspun, in progress spinding projects, knitting bags and baskets.
Speaking of computers...that's also a shot of my brand spanking new iMac! Ever since last summer when my trusty blue dalmation iMac died, I've been running on my little 12" iBook. I love the small size for it's portability but for everyday use, the screen is too, too small. At least, for these tired old eyes. So, now I have a super speedy big screen machine with a fast broadband connection. Which means you may be seeing more of me from now on.
It's been a tough road the last couple of months. The stresses of last year finally caught up with me and I needed time to find my way again. During that time, I've been knitting a little and spinning a lot.
I've been doing lots of little amounts of fiber on my Joy wheel. Cormo, Shetland, a Blue Moon Sheep to Shoe kit and a fiber blend of mohair/wool/alpaca/glitz in a cloud preparation. That last one was really fun to spin and is a very different yarn than my usual. I tried to take pics of them but the absence of any natural daylight made for some awful photos. We're in the midst of a real blizzard--started with an ice storm, on to 10+ inches of snow and 30 mph winds. When the sun shows her face again, I'll try again.
Hopefully, that won't be April. ;)
Vicki! I'm so glad you've come out to play. Your fiber corner looks so warm and welcoming. I love the Perendale! It looks so smooth and silky. I'm really looking forward to your posts.
It's lovely to see a post from you and I hope this New Year has more moments for sitting and spinning and sitting and knitting.
Your work is always inspirational.
Oh wow, Vicki! Your back! Love the spinning it's gorgeous. . . can't wait to see the plied skeins! So glad to see you back and hope this year is less stressful for you! :)
Love your fiber corner. Having those colorful fibers all around you must be inspiring.
Did I ever congratulate you on your new Mac? Well, here it is, congratulations . . . and on your fast speed, too.
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