Fiber Corner

Daily life of a knitting designer/publisher of handknitting patterns

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Disappearing Act

Yes, I know. I abandoned the blog again. But really, I'm betting you wouldn't have wanted to hear all the in's and out's of having wisdom teeth pulled which is about the only thing I've been fixated on for much of the time I haven't been writing.

So, look what arrived the day of my oral surgery. It's a Tracy Eichheim spindle in the overlay style. The craftsmanship is impeccable! For those of you unfamiliar with Tracy's spindles, all the cut out work is done with a scroll saw. At first I was worried that the hook was going to be a little small but at 1.2 oz. I'll probably always use it for a finer thread anyway. It hasn't bothered me at all so far. The spindle spins very true with no wobble at all.

And look, on the underside of the whorl, it is signed by the maker. A very nice touch.

Currently spindling some of Lisa's Merino in her Petroglyph colorway. Mmmm!


At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty, but did you NEEEEED another spindle? ;-)

At 7:15 AM, Blogger CatonsvilleCats said...

Cute! There are more spindles in the world than I ever imagined!

At 7:50 PM, Blogger June said...

Oh, how cool! It looks very yummy, but I've decided (almost) that I just can't get the speed I want with a spindle. But, I sure love seeing them all!


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