Fiber Corner

Daily life of a knitting designer/publisher of handknitting patterns

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fractal Socks

This summer I completed one spin to knit project. A pair of three ply handspun socks.
The roving was from a Blue Moon Sheep to Shoe kit purchased at Madrona last winter. It's pretty darn bright!
But, the colors cross the color wheel so I figured it would tone down once it was spun and plied. Spun as a fractal; it's a true sock weight 3 ply. To get the fractal effect, the top is split lengthwise into three sections, one bobbin is spun back and forth across the top to make long runs of color. The piece for the second bobbin is split lengthwise three more times and spun end to end to make medium runs of color. And, the piece for the third bobbin is split lengthwise into six very skinny strips and spun end to end to make color runs that quickly change.
2 oz.
316 yds.
Turned out to be just enough for a pair of socks (and I really mean "just" enough as there were two small butterflies left of about a yard each). The pattern is my basic sock recipe
Toe up
Afterthought heel
Graduated ribbing
Gauge 10st/1"
No, they are not a perfect match, can you see me twitching. ;) But, the roundness of the 3 ply makes them so comfortable to wear. Still have 6 oz of roving left so I'm going to spin the next batch as a navajo ply to see how that compares.

Okay, that's all for now.


At 9:27 PM, Blogger Angela said...

I was just thinking of running this experiment with some LSouza roving! I don't think I can get my sock yarn as fine - your spinning is beautiful as usual.

At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Patty said...

I can feel the twitching from here!

At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Maureen in Fargo said...

Love those socks! They are more fraternal twins anyway, so you really shouldn't be twitching. LOL I'd only twitch if I tried to make identical twins and it didn't work, that's why I never try!!

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Gail said...

Can't wait to see how the navajo ply compares. I think the socks are just lovely the way they are. My lucky "pair" of (store bought) socks has two completely different socks. Both are red, but one has monkeys, one has hugs and kisses. It seems as if I always wear out one sock while the other one still has plenty of mileage left.

At 11:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I love that they match artistically, but I know you are twitching you need to get over the twitching thing they match beautifully it's not like the other sock is dayglow orange...

At 8:35 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

Dear Twitch Sister,

I can guarantee that the feel of those socks on your feet will help you overcome the twitching. Both the yarn and the socks are lovely!

I love the autumn colours in your nasturtiums too.

At 9:08 PM, Blogger vanessa said...


At 5:31 PM, Blogger Roberta said...

Beautiful and comfortable. I take it you are sold on 3-ply. Okay then, I must give it a try. Thanks again for another challenge.


At 12:51 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Beautiful! I'm a beginner spinner & hope one day to spin up my own sock yarn (since thats my fav. things to knit). You are truely an inspiration to me!
And the socks colors match, just not the stripes-socks are supposed to be funky and fun, I think.
jberry16 on Ravelry


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