Tax Time
The Forest Path is up to Tier 16. No time for a larger blog entry this Sunday; must finish the taxes.
Daily life of a knitting designer/publisher of handknitting patterns
The Forest Path is up to Tier 16. No time for a larger blog entry this Sunday; must finish the taxes.
Just a quick post today showing the progress of my Forest Path shawl. I'd hoped for a little knitting tutorial but my pics turned out too fuzzy. Must have been all those chocolate Easter eggs that made my hands shaky. ;) Tomorrow it's back to the all alkaline foods diet.
Today at 2:38p CDT, robins were spotted in Northeast WI. With my very own eyes! May not seem like a big deal to many, but after this incredibly l-o-n-g, cold, snow filled winter, it's huge.
This week I've spent alot of time looking back to early knitting projects; analyzing them and posting them in my Ravelry Notebook. This sweater was my very first knitting (circa 1983). No one was there to tell me that a mohair traveling stitch aran with bobbles, wasn't the usual beginner project. No one to suggest that maybe a scarf or a hat out of a smooth yarn would be preferable. Thank God!
The last couple of weeks, I've been exploring Ravelry. At first, it was to just get my designer classification so I could take charge of my pattern pages; get all the designs posted with accurate information and photos. But the more I visited the project pages of various knitter's, the more advantages I could see in filling out my own. Looking through the project pages of a knitter is almost like seeing their knitting history come to life. Before the days my designs were published, I was a knitter. All these years later, it is still my passion. And, it seems like the projects displayed, or lack thereof, can speak volumes as to what style of knitter (or designer) you really are. So, in case anyone else saw things in the same light, I decided to start filling in my notebook--slow and steady--as I'm budgeting how much time I spend on the site. Pretty much all the lace projects are up and this week I'll be starting on the mittens/gloves, which is why I dragged open a couple of the mitten drawers and snapped a pic of them all laying on the dining room table. Of course, unpublished designs will not be posted--you'll just have to catch me wearing them at a knitting/spinning event to see them. ;)
The blues that I've been feeling the last couple of months shows in my knitted finished objects. All blue!